Breaking News
Friday, September 2, 2011

Info Post
In the latest CNN/ORC poll, 80% of respondents believe we are in another recession. One-third believe it is a "serious" recession.
While the country isn't technically in a recession because the economy hasn't experienced two straight quarters of negative growth, the poll's results highlight the importance of President Barack Obama's jobs speech next Thursday night.

Americans have "a bad case of economic jitters," according to CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

About two-thirds think the president should focus more on creating jobs right now, even if it means less deficit reduction.
"Economic jitters" is a nice way of saying that a lot of USians are shit-toiling to pay their bills.

And, yes, the poll's results do indeed "highlight the importance" of President Obama's jobs address (and underline how inadequate it will probably be), but they also starkly reveal a simple truth: Most USians don't respond to this question based on reports of negative growth, but based on their own circumstances and the struggles and successes of the people around them.

The poll's results highlight that the US people are desperately in need of help, from a government who has abandoned its responsibility to them in pursuit of political gamespersonship and ideological fuckery.