Breaking News
Friday, September 2, 2011

Info Post
"This is a huge win for corporate polluters and huge loss for public health."Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conservation Voters, on the Obama administration's decision to ask "the Environmental Protection Agency to pull proposed ozone standards," which the EPA says are "required to increase protection for children and at-risk populations against respiratory and cardiovascular diseases related to exposure to ozone in the air."

Apparently, implementation of the new standards was going to cost a lot of money, so Obama decided to kick the can down the road for another few years.

Which, of course, does no good for people suffering now, but does make Big Energy very happy.

Dan Weiss, CAP's director of climate strategy, was blunt: "It's unfortunate that the administration is siding with big oil over the health of children, seniors, and the infirm."


[H/T to @ericabarnett.]