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Monday, August 10, 2009

Gilles Marini Gives Back

photos: Alan Mercer

I first met and photographed Gilles Marini a little over a year ago. He is a great model in front of the camera and he is an all around wonderful human being. When he knew he would be competing on 'Dancing With The Stars' we got together for a quick photo session and our first interview. It was a big hit! I knew I wanted to talk with Gilles again to see what was up next for him. Not surprising, he is now working on ABC's hit drama, 'Brothers and Sisters.' Gilles is also recording his first pop music album. Along with personal appearances and raising his family, which now includes a dog, he will have to find time to ride his new Harley. We got together last week and took some new photos and talked about the next phase of his career and his personal philosophy about helping others.

AM: Hello Gilles, Can you tell me what the whole experience of 'Dancing With The Stars' was like?

GM: The experience and what the show did for me was unbelievable. It was one of the single most amazing experiences of my life. I had the chance to learn something new and in life when you learn something new it is always magic. I had never danced before and seeing the pleasure the people had seeing us dancing was so rewarding that I would never want to stop. It's so rewarding to dance for a minute and thirty seconds and have everybody standing up and screaming and telling you that you changed things in their life because of a dance. I thought it was an amazing experience and I am craving for it everyday.

AM: Have you danced since the end of the show?

GM: I danced two or three times since then. I danced for 'Shawn Johnson and Friends' and she filled up an arena in Des Moines, Iowa. What a thrill! It was two weeks ago. The people are so responsive still.

AM: Isn't that how most people know you now?

GM: I would say so. Because of the show people have learned what I was doing before. A lot of people do their research so they know what you do. They know the name of your kids.

AM: You have had a lot of publicity recently. I have seen your whole family everywhere.

GM: It's been a great ride. We are having fun and enjoying every moment.

AM: Did it sting a little not to win?

GM: Not at all. The only reason I wanted to win was not for me but for Cheryl. I wanted Cheryl to have a third trophy. The mirror ball trophy was not the question, it is how you control yourself during the competition and how you portray yourself. I really was myself. What you see is what you get. I never cheated and I danced the entire season with a broken shoulder. I gave it my all and worked my hardest and I feel like America and ABC Family are the people who bet on me. They should have something back. It's funny because for the rest of my life I will have scars on my back reminding me that I was part of one of the biggest shows on TV. I think it's cool.

AM: And now you are going to be working on 'Brothers and Sisters.' Have you started filming?

GM: How fortunate is that? ABC Family thought it would be great for them if I was on the show. They didn't pick just any show. They picked the most critically acclaimed show they have with the most talent. They are writing a character specifically for me. We start shooting in ten days. It's pretty overwhelming. It's such an excitement in me. Whoever gives me a chance, I give them my all. I treat everything like it was my project. That's why people really like to work with me. I like to invest myself in things and I am not scared of work. Whatever they want me to be I will be. I will do the best job possible.

AM: Do you already know what kind of part you will have on the show?

GM: As we speak I am doing between 5 and 7 shows but we will see down the line. My manager wants me to be free for pilot season so there are a lot of different things going on. If they tell me tomorrow that they want to sign me for three or four seasons then I will jump at it. This show will only bring me amazing things. I am excited. Every episode for me will be like it's the last one. Every scene and every word will be that way. This is my shot. I am ready.

AM: I know you are recording a pop music album. How did that happen?

GM: This is kind of breaking news. I got a phone call from my manager saying some very important people in the music industry want to meet you. I ended up in the office of Diane Warren. She is an icon and the legendary Diane Warren. I thought what am I doing here? She asked me to sing for her and I said sure. What do you want me to sing? I started humming a few bars from' La Vie En Rose.' She said, 'Yes you can sing.' I just recorded the scratch demo last night.

AM: What does Diane Warren have to do with it?

GM: She is giving me songs and helping this album happen?

Am: Do you have a release date yet?

GM: Everyone talked about Thanksgiving but that may be a little soon. I want to do some amazing projects. If it's worth it to wait longer then fine. We will see what happens. The TV show will be broadcast in January and February so it might work better then.

AM: I know you have a 2010 calendar out now. Is this your first one?

GM: Yes it came from an idea from the French photographer Fred Goudon. He knows me since I am 18 years old and he took the first pictures I ever had in my life. Some of the pictures in the calendar are from when I was 18 and 19. It is a 15 year collaboration. I pretty much had nothing to do with it. Fred is the one who wanted it. I agreed with him that it would be great but I want all my profits to go to a charity.

AM: Did you pick a charity yet?

GM: Yes it's called Hollywood United For Change. It's a charity for my soccer team. With that charity there are a couple different things we are supporting. We can help kids get money for a scholarship. A lot of talent is wasted in America because there is no money. There is also a lot of talent and problems in Haiti and we want to help. When you see the stress and the problems of these kids in the world it is not fair. You want to help. It gives you a perspective and you realize you don't need a mansion on a hill and to be worth billions of dollars to know that you are still very rich.

AM: Does your family share the same beliefs?

GM: My kids are spoiled. They have a big TV and they get breakfast everyday. I got them a dog. Life is so wonderful for them. We are all out of touch about how life really is in this world. If I can make a little bit of noise and maybe change a couple of people and help them understand that we don't need that much. It is great to share. The problem that we have learned with a lot of charities is that sometimes the money does not go to the right person. I like to be really involved and see where that money goes. I want to know first hand that we got all the books for that school. It takes a little bit of time but again life is about being rewarded and doing good things.

AM: You seem to be a giver!

GM: I love to give a gift rather than receiving it. For me it's getting the biggest gift to give. I love seeing a kid smiling because he met us and now he can learn something in school because he has the books. I am accomplishing something better than being on a billboard.

AM: That's because you are a high quality person.

GM: Everyone is like that but they may not have the time and money to do anything. Maybe I am naive but I think a lot of people if they had the money and power would change something. The problem is there is not a lot of people with money and power. I know I'm not the only one who wants change.

AM: You are in a fortunate position now.

GM: Yes I have an opportunity to do something and I am doing it.

AM: Once again I think you are simply a deeper person.

GM: I am doing this because I am a father. It's called giving back. Would you leave your child without a book to read? If I am able to help even three kids in the world then it is all worth it. Maybe I can help 3000 or three million kids. I don't like to say this but maybe if I become so famous and rich I can do more. This is a message for all the actors out there. Take a few seconds of your time. If it's a small kid then bend down and look at him and ask his name and how are you. Ask him what he wants to do in life and thank him for giving us this attention because without them we are nothing. Give him good advice about life. It only takes a few seconds and you can change a life sometimes. This is the power as actors and entertainers that we have. People are looking up to us. If you are a nice person at that time they will always remember you. Trust me they will take a direction of being good.

AM: I agree. What gave you this perspective?

GM: I met Will Smith a long time ago in Miami. He was such an amazing guy. He somehow without knowing it changed a lot of things in my life. He was so human. He let me know that it was possible to become an actor. He is a human being who has a lot of heart and was a sweetheart. I was waiting tables at the hotel where he and his family were staying. I was there everyday and it was a beautiful experience. He is an amazing man. I want to continue that. When kids ask me about dancing and show me their dancing I look at them and tell them they are the best. They will work harder at it. The sky is the limit. That's how we make success in life. Kids have to believe it is possible. You have to encourage the kids.

AM: I know you just got a Harley Davidson bike. Have you always wanted one?

GM: When 'Terminator 2' came out I was thirteen or fourteen years old and I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger riding one and I said to myself, 'One day I will be in Los Angeles riding a Fat Boy' and that dream happened two days ago. To make a long story short, my very best friend Donal Logue shot an incredible pilot for HBO, but they did not pick the most incredible pilot of all time. It was about a motorcycle gang and had about a hundred motorcycles so Donal got the motorcycle from the show. Somehow, without me even telling him my dream, told me to take it. He said this is yours.

AM: He just gave it to you?

GM: Yes, I gave him something that was nothing and this is what I got. It's priceless. I always wanted a Fat Boy bike. I am not fat but I am a boy!

Visit Gilles new web site

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