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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Info Post

photos: Alan Mercer Assisted by: Richard Levi

Brian Nolan calls himself a lover of people. He loves his family and friends--he is really a lover of life! Outgoing, zany and sometimes off the wall, many are often surprised at his intellectual side. He enjoys a quiet conversation with an incredible friend that he can learn from. One friend even told him he was put on this earth to spread friendliness, and it seems to be true.

His personal attitude is, "believe this life is truly what you make of it. Operate on a philosophy of living your art. Sing. Dance. Love. Support. Appreciate. Push Yourself. Love the one your with. Believe what you want but believe it in your heart, don't listen to what other people tell you to believe in. Shake hands with people. Say hello or smile to people you make eye contact with. Take chances. Laugh your ass off."

He was also born to be an entertainer. As a child, Brian would perform for his family members at holidays by singing "New Kids on the Block" songs via a toy microphone in his living room.
The graduate of the University of Central Florida Conservatory Theatre program worked in a video store throughout his teen years.

In 2009 he has been a regular on Season 3 of THE LAIR, a gay vampire show on HERE television, made an appearance on Disney's HANNAH MONTANA and Nickelodeon's iCARLY. He has some European spots for BOXER and TELE2, the zombie horror flick GEORGE'S INTERVENTION, and the film NEUROTICA on LOGO.

Richard Levi brought Brian and me together for a photo session and a chance to get to know each other. After the photo session we all had a chance to hang out and talk.

AM: Hello Brian, I know you are on a cable show called 'The Lair.' Is that how most people know you?

BN: Pretty much, I have been doing theater since I was fourteen and living in Florida. I also went to college for theater and then I moved to Los Angeles a year after I graduated from college.

AM: How long have you lived in Los Angeles?

BN: I have been here five years.

AM: How long did it take to get cast in something?

BN: The first two years were a little rough, but I got cast in 'The Lair' about two and a half years after moving here in 2006.

AM: Were you concerned at all about taking 'The Lair' or were you just grateful to have a job?

BN: At the time I was pretty grateful to have it. I've always been a fan of interesting dramas. I liked 'Queer As Folk' and 'Six Feet Under,' shows that push the envelope a little. I didn't really have any reservations. I've always been lucky on the show because my character doesn't really do anything crazy. I've never had to take off my clothes or anything like that. I was really excited to get the part.

AM: Has this part led to other work?

BN: It's definitely opened a lot of doors. A lot of the target audience for the show work in the entertainment business in LA. I've been called in for many parts because of "The Lair' which I didn't expect at all.

AM: Do you audition a lot?

BN: Yes, I go through phases where sometimes there are a lot of auditions. It has been a weird year for actors in general. It ebbs and flows, but yeah it's been slow right now but I know it will pick back up.

AM: What was it like working on 'Hannah Montana?'

BN: It was great and that led to other appearances on other shows like 'iCarly.' It is such a different side from doing 'The Lair' which is a gay vampire show.

AM: No one seems concerned that you are part of a 'gay vampire' show?

BN: No, I work for Disney and Nickelodeon.

RL: That's a testament to you and your personality. I'm sure if you were taking off your clothes it wouldn't be so easy to bring you on the children's programs.

BN: Both casting directors know I am on 'The Lair' and that's the thing that people say a lot. Don't people have a problem with you doing both shows? If you watch 'The Lair' you will see that it's really not bad. It's equal to anything on HBO. It's no worse than 'True Blood' in it's content. It's never been an issue.

RL: I'm glad we are the first to bring it up.

BN: Even my fellow actors were surprised because they didn't think I would get cast.

RL: Well it is hard to imagine that you are on the vampire show and then you turn around and work with Miley Cyrus. That's quite a distinction.

AM: I think it's nice too. It shows progress in our culture because there shouldn't really be a conflict.

BN: I'm sure it has been a conflict before and I just didn't know about it.

AM: What direction would you like to take your career?

BN: Ideally I would like to use all these experiences to get to the next step. I remind myself to be grateful that I've had these experiences just in case it all ended tomorrow. At least I achieved the vast majority of what I set out to accomplish in the first place. There is still so much I want to do

AM: Like what?

BN: I would love to do a sitcom. That would be an ideal dream. I love playing characters for a long period of time. I like to watch myself evolve as well as my character. I would love to have a future in television. I also like working with the same family. Trust me, everyone wants to be in the movies and I would love that but the TV world is mine.

AM: Do you audition for films?

BN: I've auditioned for a couple. I've actually done one full length movie, but I enjoy working with the same people on 'The Lair' now.

RL: Is it the same writers?

BN: Frank Ray who is the director is also the writer.

RL: Do you have anything coming up?

BN: I have the 'iCarly' coming up where I play a Rabbi.

RL: You are getting the kids to know you. Get them to know you so they can grow with you.

BN: I want to do more of that. It comes to me very easy. I can do farcical comedy very naturally.

photos: Alan Mercer Assisted by: Richard Levi

To learn more about Brian Nolan check out his MySpace page