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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Info Post
Dateline, Hollywood: Ridley Scott to direct new version of the sci-fi classic Blade Runner!

Last week Ridley Scott helmed (Hollywood talk) a prequel to Alien called Prometheus which may or may nor include a Frankenstein. Anyway, that will soon be in a theater and on a Blu-Ray™ and at a Redbox (standard admonishment here) near you. Double anyway, this has inspired him to return to the very profitable (it wasn't) Blade Runner franchise with a whole new movie-going experience. Perhaps in 3D.

It is unclear whether Scott will make a sequel or a prequel or maybe even a re-imagining. I love when something is imagined once and then re-imagined again. Good stuff. Very imaginative. Also unclear is if Harrison Ford will return (he won't) or whether they'll cast the Jonas Brothers in his place. The Jonas Brothers are big with the tweens and the SyFy (sci-fi) fans, so yay for synergy.

But, boo for murderous Replicants. Why so murderous, guys? (And girls! Replicants can be women, too!) Maybe you just need more positivity in your short, enslaved little lives. Here's an idea: start calling yourselves RepliCANs. "That's the spirit!" (Famous movie quote.)

Well, I am pretty sure Bradley Cooper will be in this, probably as Batty. And Reese Witherspoon will be Rachel. I also vote for Sean Young (now that she has been eliminated from Ice Skating with Some Stars) in a cameo as the old racist police captain. I'll leave other casting choices to you. Comments are go!

So, dystopiaphiles, what do you think? Good idea or bad? And who should do the theme song? If Brion James were still alive I'd just ask him. But he's not. So I am asking you. Discuss!

Also, Alien prequel? Oof!