Breaking News
Friday, August 26, 2011

Info Post
This blogaround brought to you by good faith!

Recommended Reading:

Shark-fu: On Women's Equality Day

Aja: [TW for misogyny] NY Times to YA Publishing: Stop Being So Girly

Dana: [TW for sexual assault] An Open Letter to Spirit Airlines

Courtney: [TW for misogyny and objectification] "Geek Girls" and Self-Objectification

Monica: [TW for transphobia] Moment of Silence for Trans Service Members on September 20

Latoya: [TW for racism, misogyny, fat hatred, rape culture] Between a Racial Rock and a Gender Hardplace

Resistance: [TW for racism] I Am an American

Have you signed Al Franken's petition to repeal DOMA yet? You should!

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...