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Monday, August 29, 2011

Interesting Theory of Democracy Ya Got There

We were not elected to represent you; we were elected to protect the federal budget from you. Or something:
Despite the devastation caused by Hurricane Irene this weekend, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) today stood by his call that no more money be allocated for disaster relief unless it is offset by spending cuts elsewhere. The Washington Post reported this morning that FEMA will need more money than it currently has to deal with the storm's aftermath, and is already diverting funds from other recent disasters to deal with the hurricane, but Cantor's comments suggest Republicans won't authorize more funds without a fight.

Cantor took the position following the tornadoes that devastated Joplin, MO and elsewhere this summer, and after last week's earthquake, which was eipicented in his district, but the hurricane's level of destruction is far beyond that of those disasters. Still, Cantor told Fox News that while "we're going to find the money," "we're just going to need to make sure that there are savings elsewhere to do so."
So, let's see if I have this right: The banks are too big to fail, but the US middle and lower classes, and the infrastructure on which they depend, are not. Awesome.

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