Breaking News
Friday, August 12, 2011

Info Post
[Trigger warning for clergy abuse; rape culture.]

Priorities! The New York State Catholic Conference has them! And they are terrible!
According to reports filed with the Commission on Public Integrity, the Conference hired three lobbying firms in the first six months of 2011. Two firms worked exclusively opposing legislation that would give child sex crime victims more time to bring lawsuits or criminal charges. The third firm spent most of its time on such legislation.

Collectively, the Conference paid the three firms just over $111,000 in fees and expenses. The firms lobbied the governor, the State Senate, and the Assembly. The Church is concerned with limiting its financial liability in lawsuits resulting from allegations of sexual abuse of children by priests.
Emphasis mine.

The Church is, of course, concerned with protecting its own ass, but the laws they are lobbying against apply to all survivors of sex crimes. They'd sooner see every child who has been sexually abused and silenced until the statute of limitations runs out denied justice than be accountable to the children their employees abused. Unconscionable.

[H/T to Shaker CarolV.]