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Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by solid vocals.

Recommended Reading:

Atrios: Results

Susie: [TW for self-harm] Moment of Truth: The Widow of an Army Ranger Confronts Donald Rumsfeld at a Book Signing and Is Escorted Out

Jamelle: Saint Martin: Why We Don't—and Can't—Celebrate the Real MLK

Fannie: The Importance of Choices

Penn: [TW for Homophobia] Rick Santorum Says Gays Are On "Jihad Against Rick Santorum"

Pam: HRC's Official Press Release on Joe Solmonese's Departure

Veronica: Call for Papers: Disabled Mothers

The Atlantic has a compelling collection of images of Hurricane Irene and its aftereffects.

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...

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