Breaking News
Friday, August 12, 2011

Info Post
3.7 million: The number of people in crisis in Somalia, because of the drought and subsequent famine: "In Somalia 3.7 million people are in crisis, 3.2 million people need immediate, life-saving assistance and 2.8 million or 80 per cent are in the south. Five areas of Somalia are officially in a state of famine, and the rest of southern Somalia could follow within the next four to six weeks."

Additionally: "The World Health Organization is warning of a cholera epidemic in Somalia."

The Huffington Post has a list of organizations working in the horn of Africa here. Please note that donations are not the only way you can help. Particularly in the media shadow of financial crises, UK riots, violence in Syria, and the US election, awareness-raising is desperately needed. Write about the famine on your blog, post about it on Facebook, Twitter, etc., talk to people one-on-one and ask them if they can help, via donations or spreading the word.

Five million people+ need our teaspoons.