Breaking News
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Info Post
"It is peaceful here. There is no gunfire. But we are starving."Ali Hulbale, 30, a Somalian refugee who, with his wife and two children, lives on the outskirts of the Dadaab refugee complex in northeastern Kenya, which "now holds 372,000 people, more than four times its original capacity. ... The onrush of refugees has created a backlog of 17,000 people and growing who can languish for months before they are registered, said Alexandra Lopoukhine, a spokeswoman for the aid agency CARE International."

If you are able to help, you can donate to CARE International's campaign for Somalia here. Doctors Without Borders is also active in the area; you can donate to DWB here.

CNN has some other ideas about how to help here.