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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Take Us to Your Leader

Neat! Potentially life-supporting planet found: "Researchers from the Geneva astronomical observatory have discovered a planet which they say is one of the best candidates for the ability to support life. The planet—known as HD 85512b—and its star—HD 85512—are some 36 light years away from our solar system, according to an article published in the specialist magazine Astronomy & Astrophysics. It is 3.6 times heavier than Earth and takes just 54 days to orbit its sun. The article says the planet is at the inside limit of the 'habitable zone,' defined as the distance close enough to its star to stop water freezing, and far enough to prevent it evaporating away."

I'm sure I'm not the only person who, upon hearing of the possibility of life-supporting planets, even knowing that "life" may not mean complex organisms, nonetheless gets images of Independence Day—style alien invasion scenarios in her head.

But am I the only person who imagines that it is we, with our dwindling fossil fuel supply and lackluster enthusiasm for alternative energies, who are the marauding invaders...?

[Via Andy.]

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