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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Info Post
Another interesting tidbit from the Richard Cohen piece I mentioned below is this passage about how Rep. Michele Bachmann stacks up (or, rather, doesn't) to Gov. Rick Perry:
I can think of no reason why anyone who, for some unaccountable reason, supports Michele Bachmann will not move over to Perry. He is her equal in social issues, which is her strength, but he is a much better campaigner — as he showed the other day in Waterloo, Iowa. He retailed a GOP dinner, going from table to table, while Bachmann made a Lady Gaga entrance — rock music, lights, phalanx of security — and just perfunctorily met with the ordinary people she claims both to be and to represent.
Does Richard Cohen actually remember the 2008 Republican Convention? Or any Republican Convention at all ever? Because:

image from 2008 GOP Convention of John McCain and Sarah Palin taking the stage to confetti, balloons, lights, fireworks, and all kinds of general madcap celebration

Cohen just as easily might have called Bachmann's entrance a "John McCain entrance," but I think we all know why Bachmann was not compared to another presidential contender who made grand entrances at campaign appearances, and was instead compared to a dramatic female performer.

Cohen goes on:
Perry, who actually looks like a president (also the late Rory Calhoun), will raise far more money and breeze by her. Au revoir, Michele.
Yes, Rick Perry actually looks like a president, while Bachmann just looks like a woman. A crazy woman, perhaps. Or a reptilian woman. Or maybe she just looks like a cat. In any case, she doesn't actually look like a president, that's for sure.

Well, excuse the fuck out of all of us who don't look like Millard frigging Fillmore.

[H/T to Shaker scatx, by email.]

[We defend Michele Bachmann against misogynist smears not because we endorse her or her politics, but because that's how feminism works.]