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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Today in Rick Santorum Says Something Stupid

I had Piers Morgan call me a bigot. Because I believe what the Catholic Church teaches with respect to homosexuality, I'm a bigot. So now I'm a bigot?! Because I believe what the Bible teaches! Two thousand years of teaching and moral theology is now BIGOTED! And of course we don't elect bigots to office. We don't give them professional licenses. We don't give them preferential tax treatment. If you're a preacher and you preach BIGOTED things, you think you're gonna be allowed to have a 501(c)(3) as a church? Of course not. No, this has PROFOUND CONSEQUENCE! To the entire MORAL ECOLOGY OF AMERICA! It will undermine the family; it will destroy faith in America!
—Republican Presidential Candidate and World-Renowned Epic Dipshit Rick Santorum, getting all pissy about being called a bigot for expressing bigotry.

Following this outburst of colossally stupid whining, Santorum went on to argue with a college student about the existence of multiple studies that have conclusively proven children raised by same-sex parents are as well-adjusted any kids ever are in the fucked-up garbage nightmare we call a culture.

I can't be arsed to transcribe that bit, but here's a rough paraphrase: "BARF FART I AM SO STUPID LAWYER SCIENCE IS YUCKY POOOOOOOOOP!"

Anyway! My favorite part is definitely the bit where he claims people who express bigotry toward the queer community don't get any special privileges. DEFINITELY NOT!

(Via Gabe.)

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