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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Jesse Garcia Is Young Hollywood

All Photos:  Alan Mercer

Jesse Garcia moved to Los Angeles in 2003. His first steady work was incommercials. In 2005 he was featured in nine national campaigns including thosefor McDonalds, Toyota, Avis, and Miller beer. His episodic television and film work includedEdward James Olmos' "Walkout," for HBO and guest spots on"ER," "The Shield," "The Closer,""Unfabulous," and "Justice," "Law and Order: CI,"and "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles."

Jesse stars in theaward-winning film 'Quinceañera',executive produced by Todd Haynes, which won both the Grand Jury Prize and theAudience Award at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival in the Dramatic Independent FeatureCompetition. 'Quinceañera' wasalso selected to play at the Berlin Film Festival. Jesse won Best Actor at the2007 Alma Awards for his role as Carlos, in 'Quinceañera.' 

Jesse was back at the SundanceFestival the following two years. In 2007, starring in "La MismaLuna" ("The Same Moon"), released in September, 2007 in Mexico and in March, 2008 in the U.S. and Canada. He stars alongside Kate del Castillo andAmerica Ferrera. He also stars in 'Good Dick,' with Jason Ritter.

Jesse recently wrapped AlejandroChomski's "A Beautiful Life," Duane Allen Humeyestewa's"Periphery," and "Days of Wrath" with Laurence Fishburne,Wilmer Valderrama, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Anna Claudia Talancon. Set in LA,"Wrath" is the story of the intertwining lives of a dedicatedteacher, aggressive TV news crews, and rival gangs.

He appeared in the 2010 revivalof The Pee Wee Herman Show on Broadway and Los Angeles.  He was excellent as Sergio the Handyman.

I first became aware of Jesse Garcia when 'Quinceañera'came out in 2006.  He gave such astrong performance in his role as a young Latino man struggling with hissexuality.  I knew we would be seeingmore of him soon and he hasn't stopped working yet!  Jesse represents young Hollywood at it'sfinest!

AM:  Jesse I know yougrew up in Wyoming.  How long have you lived in Los Angeles?

JG:  I've been livinghere since 2003, so almost eight years.

AM:  How do you getfrom Wyoming to Los Angeles?

JG:  Well it wasn't adirect line.  I had a cheerleadingscholarship and I went to school in Lincoln, Nebraska.  Then I moved to Atlanta, Georgia and lived therefor three and a half years. 

AM:  But your goalmust have been to get to Los Angeles.

JG:  No it neverwas.  Acting wasn't my dream. 

AM:  What was yourdream?

JG:  I don't know if Ihad one.  I was really big into fitnessat the time.  I was an exercise sciencemajor so I could be a trainer for a sports team. 

AM:  What happened tochange your destiny?

JG:  I met this girl,Jennifer and she convinced me to move to Atlantaand study acting with her.  This guy, whois now a great friend and mentor, named Judson Vaughn from 'What Films' in Atlantahad a forty-five minute conversation over the phone with me and in the time of theconversation I decided I was going to move to Atlantato study acting.  So I went back to Wyomingand packed my stuff and told my parents I was moving to Atlantain a week. 

AM:  How did yourparents react to this news?

JG:  I've always beenspontaneous with things that I do so they were supportive.  It was surprising because I have a MexicanMother and she tripped out when I moved eight hours away to Lincoln. 

AM:  Have you grown upconnected to your Latin roots?

JG:  Not really.  I grew up in a small town in Wyomingwith seven or eight hundred people. There weren't many Latinos there.

AM:  When did youstart getting into Latin culture?

JG:  I didn't getexposed to Latino culture until I moved to LA. I knew of it and I was always attracted to it.  My Dad was from Mexicobut surviving and putting food on the table was his main focus.  I kind of grew up...not Latino.  It made me who I am.  I do wish I would have been exposed to itmore.  My Dad did play Tejano and otherLatin music.  Being in a small town Iwanted to assimilate and learning to speak Spanish wasn't something I wanted todo.  Now all that stuff is attractive tome!  I really wish my parents would havespoke Spanish to me when I was a kid. 

AM:  Did you come toLA and embrace the Latino Film community?

JG:  Yes I did.  I totally embraced it.  I started getting exposed to it when I bookedthe movie 'Walkout.'  I startedlearning about the 1968 and 69 walkouts in East LA.  Even when I was a little kid I had this kindof "civil rights movement" mind.  To growup in a small town and have an open mind is kind of unusual. 

AM:  You do have anopen mind.  Do you think you were bornthat way?

JG:  I don'tknow.  I'm not really sure why I havesuch an open mind.  We also grew up in avery strict religious household.  I wasraised Jehovah Witness.  It isinteresting that I have an open mind. 

AM:  After hearingthis I think it is how you are born.

JG:  It must be. 

AM:  You seem to beworking non-stop!

JG:  I work reallyhard man.  When I moved out here I knewthat I wanted to act and that I was going to succeed.  I was on-line everyday for a couple hours aday submitting and looking for things on-line. This was eight years ago so this was before there was a lot on theinternet.  Times have changed.  I had to really put in some effort to findanything back then. 

AM:  The movie 'Quinceañera' really put you on the map.

JG:  Yes it wasbecause of 'Quinceañera' that I went to Sundance and won abunch of awards.  I also won an Almaaward.  

AM:  You're very luckyto have a movie like that. 

JG:  That movie openedup a lot of doors for not only Latino films but Independent films ingeneral. 

AM:  Did you have ahesitation or concern to play a gay character so early in your career?

JG:  Not at all.  One thing I didn't realize was that I wasgoing to have a social responsibility to go along with the success of the film.  I learned a lot about the gay community andhow they reacted to this film.  Theamount of young Latino gay men that would email me on facebook and myspace wasamazing.  Some of them didn't know how todeal with any of the issues and the feelings they were going through.  I'm really proud of that movie.

AM:  You shouldbe.  I have a feeling this is just thefirst important film you will make and that you will have many films ahead ofyou.

JG:  I hope so.  Even 'Under The Same Moon' is a reallypowerful film.  Somehow I'm able toattract a lot of really cool films that have a lot of powerful things tosay. 

AM:  I think it'sbecause you come off as very real.

JG:  Thank you, I stillhave about six or seven films that haven't come out yet.  I really hope 'Days Of Wrath' comes outsoon.  It's a really good movie.  I'm producing and doing my own stuff now.  I'm working on getting a directing careergoing as well.  I'mstarting my own production company so I can change the way some things getdone.  I want to bring attention to newfilmmakers, writers, producers and artists. 

AM:  Do you want tofocus on Latino themes?

JG:  I'm very much a Latino advocate andI think it's important to make Latino films but I also think it's aboutcontent.  Unfortunately there is a lot ofreally bad Latino content out there. When the industry gets saturated with bad content that Latinos are making,it makes it hard for the industry to take us seriously.  The main problem we're having is Latinosdon't support Latinos.

AM:  Why is that?

JG:  There is asegregation between the Latino cultures. There are so many different cultures and we all have our own pridewithin our cultures.  If a Mexican filmcomes out, other Latino cultures often don't think the film has anything to dowith them or they can't relate to the story. If we are going to make an impact on the industry it's important for allof us to support each others movies, TV shows,web series...everything.  Latinos spend alot of money going to the theaters but they don't spend it on the Latinfilms. 

AM:  Tell me aboutworking on Pee Wee's Playhouse on Broadway! 

JG:  That was amazing!!!  I never thought I would be on Broadway!  That was my third play ever.  It was fun doing eight shows a week in New York. 

AM:  What do you getasked a lot by younger people?

JG:  The most commonthing I get asked is, "How do I get into acting?"  Mostly I tell people to be verypro-active.  You have to study.  Do a lot of improv, sketch comedy and scenestudy.  Be ready!  Go on-line everyday and submit yourself forthings you are not even right for.  I'vebooked jobs that I wasn't right for.  Youjust have to be pro-active.  When peoplecome to LA they can get caught up in surviving. Don't lose your focus as to why you came to LA.  So many people get caught up in paying thebills and granted you have to do that, but don't forget why you came here.

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