Breaking News
Monday, August 8, 2011

Info Post

image of Zelda the Mutt with her chin resting on the edge of the sofa
Zelda, who is seriously SO. FREAKING. CUTE.

image of Dudley the Greyhound grinning
Dudley, who I think has, inconceivably, increased the cuteness action, to compete with Zel.

Dudley and Zelda lie on the couch, all tuckered out from a long walk
All tuckered out from a long walk with Iain.

Zelda standing next to Dudley at their food dishes

A bunch of people have asked about how big Zelda is compared to Dudz; this is a pretty good comparison, even though Dudley's head is in the kitchen, lol. He is very tall, and weighs about 75 pounds. She's about 40 pounds, and is short enough to walk right underneath him, which she does with amusing frequency.