Breaking News
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Info Post
75%: The property tax discount over the next 30 years granted by the city of Williamstown in Grant County, Kentucky, to Answers in Genesis for the construction of the Ark Encounter, a Noah's Ark-themed biblical amusement park, "which will feature a full-size replica of Noah's Ark." Sure.
The tax deal is in addition to almost $200,000 given to the company by Grant County's economic development arm as an enticement to keep the project located there, along with 100 acres of reduced-price land.

And that's not counting the state's promise of $40 million worth of sales tax rebates and a possible $11 million in improvements to the interstate near the project that would be financed by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet.

...The property tax agreement means the Ark Encounter would pay 25 percent of the taxes due on 800 acres of property that is eventually expected to be worth $150 million. Most local property taxes are used to finance Williamstown Independent Schools.
"Schools are for suckers."—Jesus.

[Via Memeorandum.]