Breaking News
Monday, August 8, 2011

Info Post
And while I was writing the below, the President was giving a speech with the usual bipartisan bromides in which he failed to hold Republicans accountable for their role in our economic mess. Digby:
As far as laying the blame for the debacle at the feet of the lunatics who have promised to hold the debt ceiling as a hostage for all time, he had this to say:
This is the United States of America and no matter what some agency may says we always have been and always will be a triple A country. Despite all our challenges we still have the best universities, some of the most productive workers, the most innovative companies, the most adventurous entrepreneurs on earth. What sets us apart is not only that we have the capacity but also the will to act. The determination to shape our future. The willingness in a democracy to work out our differences in a sensible way. And move forward not just for this generation but for the next generation. And we're going to need to summon that spirit today.
I'll bet the Republicans are so grateful that the President didn't blame them for the debt ceiling debacle that they will happily cooperate in future legislative initiatives. Like passing free trade deals. And cutting spending, regulations and taxes.