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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Info Post
Q: Does Rick Santorum ever stop being stupendously stupid and colossally cruel?

A: No.

This has been another edition of Easy Answers to Rhetorical Questions.

Case in point:
All the other necessities of life, we allow people to have varying degrees of creature comforts, if you will. Why? Because we are people who ration our resources based upon what's important to us and health care has to be one of those things, which is in the mix of things we make decisions about as to what type of, what kind of money we want to allocate to that.

I had a woman the other day who came up and complained to me that she has to pay $200 a month for her prescriptions…I said, in other words, this $200 a month keeps you alive, she goes yes. I said, and you're complaining that you're paying $200 a month and it keeps you alive? What's your cable bill? I mean, what's your cell phone bill? Because she had a cell phone. And how can you say that you complain that you have $200 to keep you alive and that's a problem? No, that's a blessing!
Oh, Santorum. Please check your email immediately, because I just sent you an Evite for a get-together at which we're gonna dip ALL THE THINGS in gold! Be sure to wear your fanciest bootstraps!

[H/T to Shaker Brunocerous.]