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Monday, August 8, 2011

Info Post
After reading my post with the Brian Regan clip, Shaker Be_Be emails, which I am publishing with her permission:
I personally find [stand-up comedy] a very difficult medium in which to avoid misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, gender essentialism, etc.... But maybe other Shakers would have some good suggestions? (Aside from the obvious and ever-amazing Eddie Izzard.)
So, Shakers: Who's your favorite stand-up comic?

I'm going to go ahead and give a shout-out to Jim Gaffigan, who can make ANYTHING funny without resorting to oppressive humor, and also grew up about 10 miles away from where I did, which gives me a particular appreciation for the flavor of his humor. The first time I saw Beyond the Pale, I laughed so hard my face nearly fell off.

Also: They're more sketch comics than stand-up comics, but anything with the name French or Saunders near it is pretty much guaranteed to be gold.