Breaking News
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Info Post
[Trigger warning for violence.]

"When someone saves your life, and her life is taken in the process, how can you let it go to waste? You can't. I feel that all the time. So I try to be the best person I can be and try to make the most of the life Teresa saved. It's not easy. (Did I mention that?) There have been dark, painful moments. But there have been incredible, delicious, blissful, and hopeful moments as well."Jennifer Hopper, who reveals her name and tells her story in The Stranger of being the "survivor of the South Park attacks of July 19, 2009," during which she and her partner were raped, her partner was murdered, and she was nearly killed, too. The piece is powerful and difficult and sad and beautiful, and I encourage you to read it, if you can.

(It does not contain graphic details of the incident.)

[H/Ts to Shakers kb, bgk, and femwanderluster.]