Breaking News
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Info Post
From Germany, Shaker The Bald Soprano e-mailed me a story about a hilarious stealth action for social justice.

Okay, so that link is in German. There's an English-language link (though with less info) here from the BBC, and from DW-World (the German 24-hour news network's online section) here, with a lovely picture of the shirts before and after.

In short, there was a right-wing music festival being held in Thuringia, in the eastern part of Germany, sponsored by the NDP (National Democratic Party, an extreme right-wing group, with a not-very-disguised reference in their acronym to the NSDAP, the official name of the Nazi Party). Many neo-Nazis were in attendance.

A group called Exit Deutschland, devoted to helping people leave the extreme right-wing groups, stealthily prepared a selection of t-shirts with a skull and crossbones and the words "Hardcore Rebels". These were given away free at the concert, through a clever bit of subterfuge, by the NDP itself.

Only when the attendees got their shirts home and washed them, the message changed. The shirts faded, to reveal a message:

Was dein T-Shirt kann, kannst du auch

(what your shirt can do, you can too)

...along with the URL, and a message saying that they were an NGO available to help people leave the neo-Nazi groups. The shirts were designed and paid for by a marketing firm which had come up with the idea.

I raise my teaspoon in salute, Exit Deutschland (link is only available in German, sorry). Bravissimo!