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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Info Post

photos: Alan Mercer

Mamie Van Doren is not only a living legend but one of my best friends. We talk all the time and it is always a thrill to hang out with her. We got together recently to talk about her latest ventures.

AM: Mamie, I know you are going to be writing a column for HUSTLER magazine starting very soon. Do you have a name for the column?

MVD: It’s called “Dangerous Thoughts”. Do you like that title?

AM: Yes, I like it. Didn’t they approach you before this?

MVD: They approached me a year ago but at that moment I didn’t feel like I wanted to do it. Julie Strain told me I should let HUSTLER do a feature on me but I was kind of “Uhhh…” But then I realized people should look at HUSTLER instead of buying Viagra. It’s a lot healthier for you. You aren’t taking all those drugs. You just have to look! So I decided to do it.

AM: Did you think there was a stigma attached to HUSTLER?

MVD: I think I did.

AM: What has changed?

MVD: Me. There is no stigma anymore (laughing). This is the 21st century. It’s here, get with it. I’m looking forward to the 22nd Century.

AM: Is HUSTLER going to do a feature on you as well as a column?

MVD: Yes. It should be out in June. My column starts in July. Your photos are going to be displayed in the magazine with your credit of course. I’m feeling very happy. I don’t know what they are going to say, but it will be OK.

AM: You are looking forward to it I’d say.

MVD: I am looking forward to writing my column. My first one is about war versus soldiers. You can hate the war but you love the soldiers. People think that because I hate the war I hate everything and it’s not true. I did spend a lot of time in Vietnam so I feel like I have the right to talk about it.

AM: Do you think you will do anymore writing?

MVD: Well I like to let things come as they come. I’m getting ready to record again. I’ve got a couple of things happening. I recorded a dance track called “A Real Man
And one called “Slave To The Beat”. They are hot songs.

AM: Do you consider this a comeback?

MVD: I think other people would but I think I never left. I’ve just been down in Newport Beach. I never really left Hollywood. I’ve always been participating in openings and keeping up on all the gossip, doing little parts in movies, and my website keeps me in touch with everybody.

AM: Anything else you want to mention?

MVD: I forgot to mention that the March Playboy is going to have an illustration of me by the very famous artist, Olivia. She did a painting of me from when I was twenty years old. It’s a nude. She sold it already and I got the study. It’s beautiful. I can’t believe I ever looked like that. Hugh Hefner is writing a special caption for it and Olivia is putting my name on it so everyone will know it’s me. Most of her paintings don’t have the name. I like it because it will be international.