Breaking News
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Info Post
photo by Alan Mercer

You see her every Monday and Tuesday night on ‘Dancing With The Stars.’ She sits on the front row and always joins in the standing ovation for her husband Gilles, after he finishes dancing with partner Cheryl Burke. Carole Marini is a dark haired French beauty, as you can see in the photos, with a seductive accent, that you will have to take my word for. She is a devoted mother and a supportive wife helping her husband of eleven years live his dreams. She is also charming, soulful, and funny, with a warm, genuine smile.
I was inspired to talk to her after I posted the interview and photos of Gilles during the first week of the show. I noticed how many people were interested in knowing more about Gilles and his personal life, thanks to Google. I also thought Carole would have a unique perspective on sudden fame since her life has dramatically changed over the course of the past few weeks.

AM: How would you say your life has changed the most in the last six weeks?

CM: Oh Wow…..

At this point Gilles steps in and says, ‘more sex!’

CM: Don’t put that in because he has been saying that everywhere and now it’s all over the internet.

Gilles then says, ‘well, is it not true?’

CM: Yes it’s true, but I don’t want People magazine to say that.

Gilles: You don’t want them to say you are a sex machine?

CM: Exactly, I don’t want that!

AM: Obviously life has gotten a lot busier.

CM: I would say crazy. Crazy good. Busy is good. In a little bit of time a lot has changed. Now we have people looking at us when we walk in the street. People just put a lot of attention on us. If I went with my boy somewhere before, nobody would pay any attention and now it’s, ‘Oh my God!’ Now Gilles is never home because he is rehearsing so much! He used to be home all the time for his kids. For the kids it has changed the most because they never have Daddy around, but it’s for the better.

AM: Have you learned any of the dances?

CM: Not at all.

AM: Will you learn them after he is finished?

CM: I don’t know if he will want to teach me. I would love too but he will probably be very busy.

AM: Do you have time to go out to dinner?

CM: We go out to dinner and get recognized all the time now.

AM: Has Gilles had any offers for after the show? Is he going to do the tour?

CM: There is no tour this year which is better for Gilles as he does have many offers coming in now. For now he is really caught up in what he is doing so he can’t do anything else.

AM: When does the show end?

CM: May 19 if he makes it to the end.

AM: He’s going to make it.

CM: I hope so but you know what? I will never say for sure because I would never plan on that. We take it week by week. I know he is good, not just because he is my husband, I know he is very good. Every week I am scared because you never know what will happen on the show. People can think he is safe and then not vote and then he is gone. It’s always scary because they create the drama.

AM: A lot of times we hear rumors about a love affair between the dance partners.

CM: There is always talk on line to say these things. I’m past all of this. Sometimes I read it just to see what’s going on. I know they think a lot of things but I don’t care.

AM: Do you read some of the things people write about Gilles?

CM: I do.

AM: Some of it is so stupid.

CM: Every person has there own way to think. I’m not going to complain or say anything about the way people think. People love all the contestants on the show and I respect that. Sometimes I have to admit that they are saying things about Gilles that are just not true. It’s not fair because he is working hard. He doesn’t see his kids and people try to put him down to make other contestants win. That’s mean but I don’t care about that either because I know who he really is so it doesn’t matter.

AM: Do you have any special plans if he wins?

CM: I am going to a spa without Gilles! (Laughing)

At this point Gilles brings out a bottle of Champagne and says, ‘This is for that night.’

CM: Unfortunately if he wins he will have to get on a private jet and go to New York. So we will not be here to celebrate.

AM: Will you go to NY too?

CM: I’m not sure because of the kids. This is something you can’t plan for. We are going to France to see our families and have some time in Monte Carlo. I’m sure we are going to enjoy it.

AM: Where would you like to be in say two years?

CM: In this business the big fear is to keep the family together. We are very down to earth and strong in that way. We are also very close. You never know what can happen and that’s the scary part. You have to open your eyes and know that in this business not many people stay together. Two years from now I am sure we will be together. I’m hoping for him to have his dream finally come true because that is why we came here ten years ago. He wants to be an actor and pretend because he plays like that with his kids all day long. I hope he will be where he really wants to be. That’s my goal for him.

AM: Do you think you will have more children?

CM: I had my first child at twenty years old and I am now thirty-two. I have two kids so most of the time when you have your kids very young you start enjoying your life around forty-five or you have your kids later and enjoy your life before. I have really been enjoying my life and the time with my kids. If we decide to have another child in a couple of years we may adopt. Perhaps a child who is four or five years old. We have had two kids already. I love a baby but it’s a lot of work.

AM: Do you get any help with the kids?

CM: I have never used a baby sitter for my kids. I am always here for my kids. I have a friend who takes care of them on Monday and Tuesday now and I thank her for that. I am scared to leave my kids with someone. I don’t have any family here. If there is no one to help then I say to Gilles just go alone. I will not leave my kids with a stranger.

AM: Can you tell me about meeting Gilles for the first time and what you thought?

CM: I met him in a club in France and there were like eight other women around him. I thought what a handsome man. We were there for a mutual friend’s birthday. I saw Gilles and we started talking. I said to myself, ‘this guy is beautiful’ and I know every girl was thinking the same thing. I got the lucky number.

AM: Did he pursue you?

CM: He asked for my number and then he never called me. A few days later I saw him in front of a café and I went to him and said, ‘Why do you ask a woman for her phone number and then never call? Don’t ask for the number.’ He showed me his phone and said, ‘Look I have no ones number in my phone.’ He had accidentally erased all the numbers in his phone. He then begged me to give him my number again and he looked happy to see me so I gave him my number and said. ‘This is the last time I will give it to you. The next time if I see you and you haven’t called then too bad for you.’ He called me the same night. He was pretending to be somebody else to see how I would react.

AM: So a romance blossomed from this?

CM: We started seeing each other every day. I got pregnant pretty fast. He wanted to be a Dad very young. I was in shock. My Mom told me that no matter what she never regretted having me so it would be alright. I also thought well at least my kids will be beautiful!

photos by Alan Mercer