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Monday, August 8, 2011

Info Post
This blogaround brought to you by steamy weather.

Recommended Reading:

Julianne: [TW for racism and misogyny] Jezebels, Welfare Queens—And Now, Criminally Bad Black Moms

scatx: [TW for gender essentialism and misogyny] Do Dads Exist? If So, Do They Parent?

Veronica: [TW for racism and misogyny] What's the REAL Problem?

Latoya: [TW for racism and misogyny] Yet Another "Black Women Can't Get Married" Story (To underline Latoya's point, here's Elle, almost exactly one year ago, talking about the same damn thing!)

Living ~400lbs: [TW for discussion of fad diets] It's not the diet. It's YOU.

Andy: [TW for homophobia] Marcus Bachmann Is Okay with Being Called 'Silver Fox' as Long as It Doesn't Mean He's Gay

Holly: New Feminist Magazine Launching in UK (And seeking contributors.)

Akimbo: [TW for sexual violence, violence, misogyny, parental neglect] Video: A Way to Justice – Engaging Men for Women's Rights and Gender Transformation (Major blub warnings on this one.)

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