Breaking News
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Info Post
In case you were worried that President Obama might accidentally pursue some progressive economic policies, DON'T WORRY HE WON'T:
President Barack Obama said on Tuesday a plan to boost economic recovery that he will unveil in September will not include creating a new jobs department.
Phew! Thank Maude we narrowly averted that potential crisis of competence.
"We're going to take one more run at Congress, we're going to say to them here is a comprehensive approach that gets our debt and deficits under control and also accelerates job growth right now," Obama said in an interview on CNN's "The Situation Room."

Asked about reports that he might consider creating a new jobs department, Obama replied: "That is not true."
LOL! HOW DARE YOU! I have no intention of creating a new jobs department! Good day, sir! I said GOOD DAY.

If you're wondering what Obama will be proposing in his "major speech on the economy" next month, in which he will "unveil new ideas for speeding up job growth and helping the struggling poor and middle class," let me not keep you in suspense:
The president's plan is likely to contain tax cuts, jobs-boosting infrastructure ideas and steps that would specifically help the long-term unemployed.

...On a significant and related front, Obama will also present a specific plan to cut the suffocating long-term national debt and to pay for the cost of his new short-term economic ideas.

His debt proposal will be bigger than the $1.5 trillion package that a new "supercommittee" of Congress must come up with by late November.
"Jobs-boosting infrastructure ideas" sounds great—and the only thing on that list with the conceivable potential to actually create jobs—but we can't pay for infrastructure renewal when we're cutting revenue, and paying for infrastructure renewal at the expense of social programs is not a wise or meaningful solution.

That the president, or anyone else in Washington, is even talking about tax cuts at this point is categorically absurd.

Jobs. The word is JOBS.