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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Info Post
All Photos:  Alan Mercer

One thing you can’t miss about LeeAnne Locken is she LOVES what she does! Her passion for educating and informing her audience in an entertaining way shows in her work! Maybe you recognize her from her national commercial for 'Wing Stop' which was so popular they ran it during the NBA Playoffs or maybe you were pulling for her to win the second season of “She’s Got The Look” on TV Land where she ended up in the top 3. Either way one thing is for sure, LeeAnne has been in front of the camera for years, from the early days when she competed for the title of 'Miss USA' as 'Miss Arizona-USA' to when she acted next to Sandra Bullock in the film 'Miss Congeniality' or maybe you saw her co-host an infomercial with Vanessa Williams for Pro-Active.

LeeAnne loves when the comedic scripts come along and she has even had one of her commercials chosen by ABC as one of 'America’s Funniest Commercials.' She gets to keep her improv & dialect skills strong performing as the spokesperson, Svetlana for V.O.D. Cocktails. You can see her most weeks as the anchor for Plano Television Network and she has guest hosted the popular 'Good Morning Texas!'

LeeAnne is a true social butterfly and you can find her most days updating her 5,000+ friends on FaceBook as to her daily schedule or just her dose of daily positive attitude!

She currently serves on the board of Women In Film Dallas as their 'Martini Madness Co-Chair' but with her huge love for animals she gives most of her time supporting charities such as 'Paws In The City,' an organization which saves shelter animals lives.

I had the great opportunity to meet LeeAnne on my recent trip to Dallas, Texas thanks to my buddy Richard Levi.  We met LeeAnne on a very busy Saturday in a parking lot in North Dallas for a few minutes of some fun, casual photography and a little conversation.  I am so impressed by Miss Locken.  Her attitude is really her GOLD!  While taking the photographs I was transfixed with her beauty and while talking to her I fell in love with LeeAnne the person.  I'm pleased to share LeeAnne Locken with you! 

AM:  LeeAnne, I know you just finished a luncheon for Debbie Reynolds.  How did that go? 

LL:  My girlfriend Nicole Barrett brought Debbie in for a charity event for 'Jonathan's Place.'  She asked me to be a celebrity guest and of course I said yes.  Listening to Debbie today I had no clue how funny and energetic she is.  She is a lightening bug that's never going to be dark. 

AM:  She is a bona fide Hollywood legend.

LL:  She really is!  I loved listening to her talk. 

AM:  Tell me a little about yourself like where you come from.

LL:  I'm originally from Pasadena, Texas, but now I just tell people Houston.  They understand that better.  I grew up in the carnival. 

AM:  You're a Carney.  That's a very unique growing up experience.

LL:  I'm a Carney kid!  It is very unique.  I attribute the carnival to many things like the fact that I've never done an illegal drug.  I saw so many people jump off Ferris wheels or just crash and burn at the carnival from doing so many drugs.  It really drove the point home that doing drugs was something really stupid.

AM:  What is something else you learned?

LL:  It also taught me how to sell.  I started at the age of three in a duck pond and by the time I was eleven I had adults working for me.  I was basically running my own company at eleven years old.  I started working when I was three and I haven't quit.  I love it!!!

AM:  Have you been in Texas all the time?

LL:  I have been everywhere.  I was working in California for the Makita Corporation.  I had a one year quarter million dollar contract representing Makita Power Tools and I traveled all over the country being one of their spokes models.  After Cindy Margolis I was the second most popular Miss Makita so I stayed a year and a half instead of just the contracted one year. 

AM:  So you were a spokes model for hire?

LL:  Yes, that's exactly what I did.  I traveled all over the country, signed posters and talked about the tools. 

AM:  You are an actress as well aren't you?

LL:  I started acting when I was still living in Houston.  I did a film with Robert Sean Leonard, who is currently on 'House.'  I played a high school cheerleader who had a crush on him.  I've just kept it going ever since then.  The most recent film I did is called 'Rain' and it's starring Faye Dunaway.  I play Faye's daughter. 

AM:  That is very exciting to work with Faye Dunaway.

LL:  Seriously, in my time on set with Faye I realized then that I didn't need to be a "Movie Star" actress.  I couldn't believe her thought process.  She was thinking of everything, even the way she sat in the scene!  She was always contemplating how her character would do the littlest things like sit.  I don't want to work that hard. 

AM:  But you are doing what you want to do.

LL:  I love what I do.  I'm a Gemini so I love the idea of doing something different everyday.  I get to play around and be different people all the time. 

AM:  Do you have any goals that you haven't reached?

LL:  I do have one.  I have created a local television show that I would like to produce and host and I'm getting there.  I have never given up on any of my dreams and I don't plan on it.  I believe that timing is not mine but God's.  When it is meant to be, trust me, God will drop it in your lap like a hot potato, whether you are ready or not. 

AM:  That's a pretty good attitude.

LL:  Well it gets me up every morning, makes me happy and it keeps me going.  If it's meant to be it's going to be and if it's not meant to be, I know there is something better.  I can witness to it with the fact that I auditioned for a great part on 'Good Guys' and I got chosen by the writer and director for that part and FOX Network would not approve me for the part.  Oh well, the following week I booked a lucrative national commercial that I wouldn't have been able to do if I had the show.  I also believe in karma.  I think if you are gracious you will be rewarded.  I really believe that if you live right the right things will happen. 

AM:  Have you always had a spiritual sense?

LL:  My grandmother, who was a highly religious person, raised me when I wasn't at the carnival with my Mother during the summer.  She took me to church every Sunday and took me to Bible School. 

AM:  Is this Christian?

LL:  Super Christian as in Southern Baptist. 

AM:  How did you miss getting the closed minded, judgmental attitude so associated with people who believe this way?

LL:  My quote on FaceBook is "Only God should judge you."  I totally believe in Agape.  I totally believe in acceptance of all people.  I prefer not to judge people at all but I do assess people's actions and make the decision on whether or not I want them in my life, but I do not judge them.  To each his own.

AM:  How did you learn this attitude?

LL:  I'm like my grandmother in a way.  She passed away last year and a tremendous amount of her spirit came to me.  I really believe I have my Grandma's heart now.  She's my angel.  She was the first person in my life that made me feel wanted.  I was three years old before I knew anyone loved me and would stand up for me and it was my Grandmother.  From that day on I would have chopped down Mt. Everest for her.      

To learn more about LeeAnne Locken visit her web site