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Monday, September 19, 2011

Info Post
This blogaround brought to you by autumn.

Recommended Reading:

Digby: The Rich Are Very Special

Pam: [TW for homophobia, bullying, self-harm] Keeping the Memory of Carl Walker-Hoover Alive as Bachmann Says Anti-Gay Bullying Is 'Not A Federal Issue'

Andy: On Eve of 'DADT' Repeal, Military Expects 'Business as Usual'; Survey Says Gay Troops Anticipate Acceptance, Relief

Vesta44: [TW for fat hatred and medical malfeasance] Enlarged Thyroid Nothing to Worry About, Except for How It Was

Andrea: [TW for racism and misogyny] A Slap on the Wrist for Satoshi Kanazawa

Scott: In the Hollywood "Woman's Picture," Abortion Is Never an Option

Melissa: There Weren't a Lot of Lady Emmy Winners Outside Lady-Specific Categories, and Although Yay for a Fat Lady Getting Recognition, Where Are All the Ladies of Color?

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...